DPD Local Pick Up

How does it work?

Choose the "DPD Local Pickup" location you want at checkout as an alternative to home delivery.

  • Your items will then be shipped to the chosen Pickup Point and you will be notified by email when your package is ready for collection.
  • You will have 7 days to pick up your order from the DPD Pickup Point.
  • If package is not collected for a few days, we will send you a reminder email & SMS on the last day for collection.
  • You will be asked to show a valid ID for verification. If the order is not collected after 7 days, the item will be returned to us.

With over 10,000 collection shops across the UK, buying online with Crafts4Kids is now a lot easier, allowing to you collect your order when convenient for you.  Some common DPD Drop Off points include:

  • Sainsbury's
  • Matalan
  • Co-op
  • Post Office

Find a DPD Local Pick Up