Kids Night Lights

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Djeco Unicorn Snowglode Night Light
Djeco Unicorn snowglobe

Djeco Unicorn Snowglobe Night Light

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Djeco Night Light Snowglobe - Avion
Djeco snowglobe night light

Djeco Night Light Snowglobe - Avion

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How do Kids Night Lights help children to sleep?

  • Reducing Fear of the Dark: Many children have a fear of the dark, which can make it difficult for them to fall asleep or stay asleep. A night light provides a gentle, reassuring glow that helps alleviate this fear.
  • Provides Comfort and Security: Making children feel safer and more secure in their room, which can promote relaxation and a sense of well-being necessary for sleep.

  • Establishing a Sleep Routine: Night lights can be part of a bedtime routine, signaling to the child that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Consistency in this routine helps the child's body and mind get ready for bed.
  • Visual Clarity: A dim light can help children see their surroundings without creating significant disturbance, making it easier for them to move around if they need to use the bathroom or find a toy for comfort.
  • Preventing Overstimulation: Unlike bright overhead lights, night lights provide a soft, diffused glow that is less likely to overstimulate the child and more likely to encourage a calm, sleepy state.
  • Supporting Parents: Night lights can make it easier for parents to check on their children without turning on a bright light that could wake them up fully.

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